Author: STAFF

Merry Christmas 2020

From everyone at Never Forget 9-11 Foundation we wish you a very Merry Christmas 2020 and hope the New Year brings us all closer together. We wanted to share the quote below from one of our favorite holiday stories in hopes that we all find these days to be filled with charity, mercy, and general good acts of kindness. These are the same traits that brought America together in the aftermath of September 11 and together we accomplish so much more than apart.

We hope you will remember the many front line responders (police, fire, EMS) and hospital workers who work today to bring you safety while you spend time during this pandemic, COVID19.

Christmas 2020

An Old Quote For Christmas 2020

“…and it was always said of him, that he knew how to keep Christmas well, if any man alive possessed the knowledge. May that be truly said of us, and all of us! And so, as Tiny Tim observed, God bless Us, Every One!” – Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol


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Categories: EMS Fire Police


Forget Rudolph, FDNY Ladder 13 Brings Santa

FDNY Ladder 13 Brings Santa

Forget Rudolph and the reindeers this year. Fire Department of New York – FDNY Ladder 13 brings Santa to the children of Ronald McDonald House New York. This time of year children there normally get a visit from the big man in red.

This year though, due to COVID19, a visit was considered too dangerous for the children there, many of whom have compromised immune systems.

FDNY Ladder 13 Brings Santa

Thirty-five families currently stay at the nonprofit center, all with children with various serious illnesses, including cancer. While COVID19 has caused 2020 to be a tough year for many, these children had it even tougher, and were ready for some Christmas cheer.

Santa knows who has been naughty and nice though and has many friends in the ranks of FDNY.

Instead of a flying sleigh this year, the kids got an up-close view of the big man himself, as he was able to go right up to their windows and say hello thanks to the help of an FDNY firetruck bucket. The joyful scene is being called “the miracle on 73rd Street.”

FDNY Ladder 13 Brings Santa Down The Block

Ladder 13 is housed with Engine 22 at 159 East 85th Street.

Ronald McDonald House holds a special place for Never Forget 9-11 Foundation. Our nonprofit provided organizational guidance and assistance to a Texas teen who formed his own nonprofit aimed at bringing baseball to kids with cancer, Strike Out Kids Cancer Foundation. To date, the organization has brought baseball to kids in multiple cities and states. The teen hopes to continue playing baseball in college.

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Categories: FDNY


CPR On COVID19 Air Passenger

CPR On COVID19 Air Passenger

Holiday madness for holiday goers as CPR on COVID19 air passenger was required on a recent United flight to Los Angeles.

In what was described as a terrifying ordeal for nearby passengers, the man was seen on the plane shaking and sweating and having a hard time breathing even before the flight took off.

His condition deteriorated rapidly once in the air and the captain made the decision to perform an emergency landing in order for the man to receive medical attention.

The crew asked if there were any doctors onboard and a number of people got up to help.



Some passengers detailed how during CPR they could hear the patient’s  rib bones crack as chest compressions were carried out before he started turning blue.

Tony Aldapa was one of the passengers on board who helped perform CPR on the man.

‘I got up out of my seat, let them know “Hey I know CPR” and asked “Do you need some extra help?” I can tap in and help with chest compressions. That’s how it all started.

‘By the point that I got there to the point where the fire department got on board, it was at least 45 minutes,’ Aldapa told press outlets.

‘There was no mouth-to-mouth at all. We were doing chest compressions and they had him on the oxygen mask from the plane, then once we had a medical bag that is kept on board we used an ambu-bag which is a bag that you squeeze to give breaths, that’s what we used for breathing,’ Aldapa continued when talking about CPR On COVID19 Air Passenger that has yet to be identified.


While talking to New Orleans EMS responders, the man’s wife admitted that her husband had tested positive for coronavirus meaning he likely lied when checking in for the flight.

During check-in, all United passengers have to self-report on whether they have experienced any coronavirus symptoms.

After the passenger was offloaded in New Orleans, his seat was wiped down, and the plane, a Boeing 737-900 with capacity for 179 people, continued its journey to Los Angeles.

CPR On COVID19 Air Passenger

CPR on a passenger is difficult in the best of circumstances. Our own board member, Christopher Suprun, has been on several flights where a medical emergency occured – everything from a illness that is getting worse to a person unconscious.


US commercial airlines carry a medical kit, known by multiple names, that can be opened by medical personnel with permission of the Pilot-in-Charge. This equipment can contain IV fluids, IV catheters, and cardiac drugs including epinephrine, lidocaine, and atropine.

United Airlines Statement: CPR On COVID19 Air Passenger

Aldapa described completing the flight “covered in my own sweat and in that man’s urine.”

He continued “I knew the risks involved in performing CPR on someone that potentially has COVID but I made the choice to do so anyways. I spoke with the passengers wife about his medical history and she never mentioned he was positive, she said he was scheduled to have a test done in LA.”

It is unclear how many of the passengers might develop symptoms given the enclosed air system on commercial flights.

The Centers for Disease Control has contacted United Airlines regarding this flight and passenger. It is unclear if they have also sough passenger manifests or identified the air crew and passengers who provided care to the COVID19 positive patient.

United issued the following statements:

‘Our flight diverted to New Orleans due to a medical emergency and paramedics transported the passenger to a local hospital where the individual was pronounced deceased. We have been in touch with his family and have extended our sincerest condolences to them for their loss.

‘At the time of the diversion, we were informed he had suffered a cardiac arrest, so passengers were given the option to take a later flight or continue on with their travel plans.

Now that the CDC has contacted us directly, we are sharing requested information with the agency so they can work with local health officials to conduct outreach to any customer the CDC believes may be at risk for possible exposure or infection.

‘The health and safety of our employees and customers is our highest priority, which is why we have various policies and procedures in place such as mask mandates and requiring customers to complete a ‘Ready-to-Fly’ checklist before the flight acknowledging they have not been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 14 days and do not have COVID-related symptoms,’ the statement read.

Passengers who traveled on the fateful flight unloaded a barrage of questions to United on social media asking the same questions any sensible person would ask.

CPR On COVID19 Air Passenger

CPR On COVID19 Air Passenger

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Categories: EMS


Brooklyn EMT Robbery Suspect Video Released

Brooklyn EMT robbery suspect video has been released by New York police. Officers believe tis person to be responsible for robbing EMTs at gunpoint.

It shows the man leaving the building with what appears to be a medical bag over his shoulder. EMTs were lured to the building by a false 911 call last week. In a similar incident anjother ambulance crew were victims of a robbery on December 7 in Brownsville.

No one was injured in either incident.

Brooklyn EMT Robbery Suspect Video

Brooklyn EMT Robbery Suspect Video

Anyone who has information regarding this incident is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-8477 or for Spanish, 1-888-577-4782. Tips can also be sent to the NYPDTips Twitter account or submitted online at

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Categories: EMS


Attacked: Brooklyn Hospital EMTs Robbed At Gunpoint

Brooklyn Hospital EMTs

Two Brooklyn Hospital EMTs were robbed at gunpoint when they responded to a fake 911 call at a New York City Housing Authority apartment building, officials and sources said Tuesday.

The EMTs were taking the elevator in a Sackman Street building — part of the Seth Low Houses — near Belmont Avenue in Brownsville about 11 p.m. Monday when a man stepped into the elevator as it reached the 11th floor and pulled a gun on them.

Brooklyn Hospital EMTs

The gunman swiped their medical bag and ran off, officials said. The bag was later found inside the building, but the EMTs’ tablet and radio that linked them to the city’s 911 dispatch system was missing.

Neither EMT was harmed. The two work for Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center in Brooklyn, but also respond to 911 calls that city medics respond to, officials said.

The call that sent them to the Seth Low Houses turned out to be a false alarm, but it was not immediately clear if it was directly linked to the robbery, sources with knowledge of the case said.

Brooklyn Hospital EMTs – Not Only Victims

Violence against EMS personnel is a global issue. Research is desperately needed to determine why the number of incidents is so high and what can be done to better prevent harm to those who risk their lives to help others.

We’ve long known EMS personnel face a risk of occupational fatality similar to those of police and firefighters and a risk of nonfatal injury that’s much higher.

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Categories: EMS


FDNY Says No To COVID19 Vaccine

A recent internal Fire Department of New York (FDNY) survey revealed that more than half of the department’s firefighters says no to COVID19 vaccine when it becomes available.

In the past three days, the Uniformed Firefighters Association polled 2,053 members, and around 55 percent of them said they wouldn’t get vaccinated for the virus, Andy Ansbro, the union president, told local New York media. Those polled make up around a quarter of the the union’s 8,200 active members.

No To COVID19 Vaccine

Last month, an FDNY memo stated the department would not mandate firefighters and EMS workers take the COVID vaccine. As of Friday, the FDNY had more than 130 positive cases, with at least six firehouses having three or more cases, a department source told the Post.

In a statement late last month, the International Association of Fire Fighters pushed for firefighters and other first responders to be at the front of the line for the COVID19 vaccine.

A Centers for Disease Control advisory panel, however, recommended last week that health care workers and long-term care facility workers and residents be placed in the 1a priority group for the vaccine.

No To COVID19 Vaccine

Ansbro said that many FDNY firefighters in their 30s and 40s aren’t as threatened by COVID-19, especially if they’ve already battled the virus. He added that he would be getting vaccinated.

“A lot of them probably feel they are not in a risk category, they are younger, stronger, they may have already had it and gotten through it, and feel it’s not their problem,” Ansbro told the Post. “They are more familiar with the coronavirus than they are with the vaccine.”

Skepticism about the vaccine also runs high among FDNY EMS members.

“A few are anxious to get it, but there have been a few dozen (online) responses saying, ‘Thanks, but no  thanks,’ ” Oren Barzilay, president of the Uniformed EMTs, Paramedics and Fire Inspectors union, told the Post. “They were thankful it was not mandatory, because they don’t want to be looked at as test subjects.”

Barzilay added that he would be waiting to see about what independent studies reveal concerning possible side effects before taking the vaccine.

One veteran FDNY member told the Post that the resistance toward the vaccine is a source of frustration.

“The 55 percent doesn’t surprise me. They’re called the Bravest, not the Smartest,” the FDNY member said about members saying “no to COVID19 vaccine.

“It’s saving their lives, and the lives of their co-workers, families, friends, and the people they take care of. They respond to live-threatening medical emergencies. The last thing you want is a family member in dire straits being worked on by an unvaccinated firefighter.”


Categories: FDNY EMS


Small Airplane Lands On Minnesota Highway

airplane emergency landing

Minnesota traffic cameras have shock video of airplane emergency landing on I-35W. The video shows a small plane landing on the interstate and crashing into a vehicle Wednesday night.

The video shows the plane quickly decreasing altitude heading north and landing safely on the interstate before colliding with a car also heading north. Cars behind the crash stopped short of the scene as emergency crews begin to arrive.

Airplane Emergency Landing

The Minnesota State Patrol said the incident occurred around 9:30 p.m. on I-35W in Arden Hills, Minnesota. There were no injuries reported as a result of the emergency landing.

The pilot was identified as Craig Gifford, 52, of Minneapolis. He was flying a single-engine Bellanca Viking plant. Preliminary information from the FAA showed there were two people on the plane at the time.

The interstate was closed for hours as crews cleaned up the crash and removed the plane.

The incident is under investigation by the FAA and the National Transportation and Safety Board.

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Categories: EMS


IAFF Says Firefighters First In Line For COVID19 Vaccine

Firefighters First In Line For COVID19 Vaccine

The International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) says firefighters first in line for COVID19 vaccine and is urging Governors to give firefighters and emergency medical personnel “the highest priority” when vaccine for COVID19 is released.

“The level of risk to responders has never been greater than it is today,” the organization stated in a letter to the  National Governors Association.

According to the IAFF, more than 30,000 career firefighters have had known on-duty COVID-19 exposures, which has led to more than 17,000 of them needing to quarantine or isolate. Nearly 150 career firefighters also have been hospitalized because of the virus, and at least 19 firefighters have died from coronavirus.

“All this, despite PPE use and rigorous decontamination procedures, makes vaccinating fire fighters and emergency medical personnel all the more urgent,” the IAFF wrote. “The virus not only places the lives and health of responders at risk, it also poses a risk to the larger community as well as to fire fighters responding to emergencies in homes, businesses and elsewhere before they may be aware of an infection.”

Firefighters First In Line For COVID19 Vaccine

The IAFF went on to state that vaccinated first responders will allow them to continue serving their communities during the pandemic. Not giving firefighters and emergency workers priority for the vaccine could create challenges for municipalities across the country.

“Absent adequate vaccination, responders will continue to be subject to lengthy quarantines when they are exposed to COVID-19 positive individuals, imposing significant costs on local governments as they backfill positions or operate understaffed, increasing response times and negatively impacting public safety,” the letter stated.

Currently, 132 firefighters and emergency medical workers are quarantined, and 188 personnel had been diagnosed with the virus since July 1, according to the International Association of Fire Chiefs.

Firefighters First In Line For COVID19 Vaccine

The virus is also taking its toll on responder ranks. Some in the profession argue to maintain public safety responders must be given the peace of mind knowing they are protected.

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Categories: Fire EMS


Texas Firefighter-EMT Charged With Murder

A Texas firefighter-EMT has been charged with murder in the fatal shooting of an Odessa Fire Rescue firefighter-EMT.

Texas Firefighter-EMT Charged In Murder

Police say the two Odessa Fire Rescue members rented a campground together in Pueblo County, Colorado. Pueblo County deputies received a call from the campground on Wednesday night about shots being fired, and arrived to find Odessa Firefighter-EMT Michael Mack, 30, deceased with a gunshot wound to his head next to a vehicle.

Deputies found Evan Gaw, 30, also a firefighter-EMT with Odessa Fire Rescue, in a field nearby. Gaw was arrested and charged with second-degree murder in Mack’s death. Authorities say a gun was recovered at the scene.

According to News West 9, the City of Odessa released a statement that said, “On Thursday, November 12, 2020, Odessa Fire Rescue was made aware of an incident in Pueblo County, Colorado, which involved two employees. This incident resulted in the death of Michael Mack, a firefighter/EMT with OFR, and the arrest of Evan Gaw, also a firefighter/EMT with OFR. Odessa Fire Rescue, along with the City of Odessa, would like to extend our deepest condolences to the Mack family. Michael Mack was an outstanding employee and individual, who will be greatly missed. ”

The Pueblo County Sheriff’s Office said in a statement that the investigation into the incident is ongoing.

Texas Firefighter-EMT

As of Friday morning, Evan Gaw was still in custody of the Pueblo County Sheriff’s Office. It was not clear when a bond date would be set. An off duty EMT was murdered and died this month from injuries sustained working his second job as a patrol officer.


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Categories: Fire

Veterans Day

Today is Veterans Day and everyone at Never Forget 9-11 Foundation wishes to say thank you to say thank you to all  those on this holiday for their service and the many sacrifices their families have made over the years.

We echo the words of President Harry Truman who said: “Our debt to the heroic men and valiant women in the service of our country can never be repaid. They have earned our undying gratitude. American will never forget their sacrifices.” That belief was right when he said it and continues to be right now.

Veterans Day

Veterans Day

Veterans Day is a federal holiday in the United States observed annually on November 11, for honoring military veterans, that is, persons who have served in the United States Armed Forces.

It is a federal holiday in the United States observed annually on November 11, for honoring military veterans, that is, persons who have served in the United States Armed Forces (and were discharged under conditions other than dishonorable). It coincides with other holidays including Armistice Day and Remembrance Day which are celebrated in other countries that mark the anniversary of the end of World War I. Major hostilities of World War I were formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, when the Armistice with Germany went into effect. At the urging of major U.S. veteran organizations, Armistice Day was renamed Veterans Day in 1954.

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