Author: STAFF

American Medical Response Ambulance Accident

American Medical Response DeKalb

An American Medical Response (AMR) Ambulance from DeKalb, Georgia was involved in an accident Monday night per local authorities.

Authorities confirm three people are recovering after the motor vehicle collision involving an ambulance in DeKalb County temporarily trapped them.

The accident happened on Monday evening in the area of Moreland Avenue and Bailey Street. A DeKalb Fire spokesperson said that the accident involved an American Medical Response (AMR) ambulance.

American Medical Response DeKalb

Authorities said they were able to remove all three accident victims from the wreckage including two AMR personnel and one other person who was not an employee.

The personnel had what DeKalb Fire Rescue described as minor injuries and the other person in the ambulance was said to have moderate injuries.

Authorities haven’t detailed exactly what caused the accident or whether the non-employee in the ambulance was a patient being transported.

American Medical Response

It is unclear if the ambulance was responding to an incident or not. For years, DeKalb County leadership has been stung by complaints the ambulance contractor, American Medical Response, isn’t living up to the contract for quick responses.

Dunwoody, Brookhaven Doraville, Chamblee; all towns in north DeKalb were especially concerned about slow ambulance times.

Ambulance Accidents

Last week there was another ambulance accident involving a FDNY EMS unit and FDNY Ladder 102 killing the ambulance patient. Additionally two off duty EMS responders were killed early Monday morning in a separate New York motor vehicle incident.


Categories: Department Motor Vehicle Collision EMS


William Paul Faist Volunteer Ambulance Corps Loses Two

William Paul Faist Volunteer Ambulance Corps

Two New York EMS providers with William Paul Faist Volunteer Ambulance Corps were killed in an off-duty vehicle crash Monday.

Police officials said William Paul Faist Volunteer Ambulance Corps 1st Lt. Moshe Herzog, 27, was driving his vehicle along with EMT David Schneebalg, 26, as a passenger. Their vehicle collided with a tractor-trailer while attempting to change lanes, according to local news.

Both vehicles went into a ditch and caught fire after the crash. Herzog and Schneebalg were pronounced dead at the scene, authorities said.

Herzog and Schneebalg were both members of William Paul Faist Volunteer Ambulance Corps and Haverstraw Ambulance Corps. They had been celebrating Rosh Hashanah together in another area and were returning home at the time of the crash.

“They were dedicated members of the EMS community and served with honor and dignity,” the William Paul Faist Volunteer Ambulance Corps wrote in a statement.

Haverstraw Ambulance Corps officials wrote, “they both served EMS with pride!”

William Paul Faist Volunteer Ambulance Corps Facebook Statement

The driver of the tractor-trailer, Luis Velazquez, 59, also became trapped and was extricated. He was transported to the hospital with unspecified injuries.

This is the second fatal accident involving New York first responders in less than a week. A patient was killed late last week when the ambulance he was being transported in was struck by a truck company responding to another emergency.

‘Help me get out of here’

Herzog was also a member of the volunteer rescue squad Chaverim of Rockland. Josef Margaretten, a coordinator for the Chaverim response group — a volunteer security and rescue squad serving the Orthodox community — rushed to the scene, knowing his friend had been in an accident.

Per one news source Margatten said “One of our members, who is also with Faist, heard him screaming on the radio for help. And the minute he heard, he notified us and we went down to the scene.”

Herzog was reportedly asking ‘help me get out of here.’

He was on the local radio channel: “Please. I can’t come out. Anyone to help me get out of here,” Margaretten said. “He was asking for help, even on the local EMS channel, he was begging for help, but the car was in flames. There wasn’t too much we could have done.”

William Paul Faist Volunteer Ambulance Corps

In 1975, Bill and Erna Faist saw the need to improve the ambulance response time in the area known as South Spring Valley. They felt with the growth of the town it was time for our area to have its own volunteer ambulance service. They named the department William Paul Faist Volunteer Ambulance Corps in memory of their son whom they had lost to an automobile accident  They formed a group of 6 community minded residents who started the process of obtaining a certification from New York State to run an ambulance, seting up boundaries, and recruiting members.

As they first started, the department did not have a home, so they held their meetings in such places as people’s homes, in local schools, at the local power company’s building, and in theHugh Gassner Firehouse.  Then they started sending out notices to the community concerning the needs for manpower and funds.  As the membership started to grow training as EMT’s began, and the neighboring corps allowed our members to ride on their ambulances to get their feet wet. The first ambulance was bought used from Nanuet Volunteer Ambulance Corps, and was kept in the driveway of Bill and Erna Faist’s home on Chestnut Ridge Road.

By the beginning of 1977 they were well on their way but there was still work to be done. They were still working out their dispatch systems, communications with local police and hospitals. On July 1, 1977, after almost three years of very hard work, their dream finally came true: The William P. Faist Volunteer Ambulance Corps went into service for the first time.

William Paul Faist Volunteer Ambulance Corps

Early in 1977, the Town of Ramapo had turned over a small piece of property to the corps for the purpose of building a headquarters. On June 12, a groundbreaking ceremony took place, but it would be more then two years before we could call it home.  Bill Faist oversaw the project of building our headquarters. While materials and specialized labor were either donated or provided at minimal cost, the membership, in addition to being EMT’s, had to become carpenters, masons, and electricians in order to get the headquarters built. By winter of 1979, the building was not yet complete, but there was enough progress that they could occupy the still-unfinshed building.

Over the years, the William P. Faist Ambulance Corps has continued to grow as has the community it services.  We occupied that small building that we moved into in 1979 until February 2018 when we moved into our new facuilty on the joining property and we continue to need more volunteers to keep serving our community.

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Categories: EMS


Citibank Turns Back On 9-11 Responder

Citibank denied a 9-11 responder’s use of his credit card for cancer treatment medications early Monday morning despite the credit card holder having both available balance and a zero balance on his Citibank Double Cash Card. The charges were flagged as fraud despite the pre-warning the charge would be coming.

Citi was contacted prior to the provider attempting to use his credit card and notated the account, but moments later when he tried to use his charge card it was denied.


Citi Executive Customer Care says they will respond in fifteen days, but requests through social media and customer service have gone unanswered.


Citibank which was hit hard by the attacks of 9-11 seems to have forogtten the same providers that ran to their rescue just over nineteen years ago.

Citigroup ‘s operations were obliterated during September 11 when the building imploded. The firm occupied 39 floors in the World Trade Center 7 building. The 47-story building, also known as the Salomon Brothers Building, crumbled after being weakened by an attack on the Twin Towers, just a few hundred yards away.

Other major tenants in the Salomon Brothers Building were the Securities & Exchange Commission, the Standard Chartered Bank, ITT Hartford Insurance Group, the Internal Revenue Service, and the U.S. Secret Service.

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FDNY Ladder 102, Ambulance Collide Killing 1, Injuring 11

FDNY Ladder 102

FDNY Ladder 102 and an ambulance collided early Thursday morning killing one patient in the ambulance and injuring eleven, including eight members of FDNY.

Ladder 102 ‘T-boned’ the ambulance carrying a heart attack patient at an intersection at about 12:45 a.m. per local news. The patient was pronounced dead and his sister, who was in the ambulance with him, was seriously injured.

The collision caused the ambulance to strike a third vehicle; two people in that vehicle were transported and are in stable condition. Six firefighters and two EMTs were also injured; one EMT sustained a leg injury and another complained of pain. The firefighters’ exact injuries were not reported but were said to not be serious.

Family members said the man who died in the crash was Jamil Almansouri, 59, a local bodega owner, known to his friends as Mike.

Both FDNY vehicles had their lights activated when the crash occurred. Officials said the ladder truck was responding to a fire on the fifth floor of an eight-story building.

The FDNY EMS Union President recently complained about lives being at risk secondary to forecast budget cuts.

FDNY Ladder 102

Ladder Company 102 started out as Ladder 2 in the Brooklyn Fire Department on September 15, 1869. It became part of the Fire Department of the City of New York and was redesignated as Ladder 102 on January 1, 1913.


Star Spangled Banner in London

The Star Spangled Banner was played during the changing of the guard today, nineteen years ago, in honor of the United States which had been attacked the day prior.

The day after the September 11 attacks more than 5000 American tourists and expats gathered at the gates of Buckingham Palace. At the request of Queen Elizabeth II, the band of the Coldstream Guards broke with hundreds of years of tradition to play The Star Spangled Banner during the changing of the guard.

Star Spangled Banner

The decision to play the Star Spangled Banner showed the Queen’s intent to Never Forget 9-11.

Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key

The Star-Spangled Banner” is the national anthem of the United States. The lyrics come from the “Defence of Fort M’Henry“, a poem written on September 14, 1814, by 35-year-old lawyer and amateur poet Francis Scott Key. He wrote the piece after witnessing the bombardment of Fort McHenry by British ships of the Royal Navy in Baltimore Harbor during the Battle of Baltimore in the War of 1812. Key was inspired by the large U.S. flag, with 15 stars and 15 stripes, known as the Star-Spangled Banner, flying triumphantly above the fort during the U.S. victory.

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Categories: FDNY


Lincoln County EMS Accident

Lincoln County EMS was involved in a head-on collision between a quick response vehicle (QRV) and another vehicle Thursday morning injured a North Carolina paramedic. It was just four days ago that another North Carolina service, the Mecklenburg Emergency Medical Services Agency, was involved in an accident.

Lincoln County EMS

Lincoln County EMS (LCEMS) released a statement saying one paramedic was on board the Quick Response Vehicle (QRV) and en route to their base when the QRV was struck head-on by another vehicle at approximately 7:40 a.m. Lincoln County EMS and the East Lincoln Fire Department responded to the crash. The North Carolina State Highway Patrol is investigating.

The paramedic was extricated from the QRV and transported “emergency traffic” to the hospital, according to the agency. The other driver was evaluated at the scene and not transported. No additional information is available on the paramedic’s condition at this time. The paramedic on board was en route to his base station at the time and per the statement does not appear to be responding to a call.

About Lincoln County EMS

Lincoln County is the primary provider of emergency and non-emergency 911 Advanced Life Support transport and paramedic level service for Lincoln County, North Carolina, including the incorporated City of Lincolnton. LCEMS is responsible for the planning, coordination, direction and evaluation of all pre-hospital patient care related services provided within Lincoln County, North Carolina. These services include, but are not limited to, Paramedic level treatment and transportation of the citizens and visitors of Lincoln County that require the interdiction of a modern EMS system and the medical first responder programs that involve patient care, public safety/injury prevention, Mass Gatherings, pre-hospital medical education and disaster preparedness and response as it relates to patient care.
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Michigan Suspends Southfield EMS Providers Licenses

Michigan Suspends Southfield EMS Providers

Michigan suspends Southfield EMS provider’s licenses after they treated a Southfield woman who was mistakenly declared dead, city officials said.

“The City of Southfield has received notification that the State of Michigan has suspended the licenses of the two paramedics on the scene at the Timesha Beauchamp medical run while the state investigation continues,” the Facebook post said. “The state of Michigan has also served letters of intent to suspend the licenses of the two EMT’s who were also on the scene.”

“All four Southfield firefighters remain on paid administrative leave from the city pending the outcome of this ongoing investigation. More information will be provided as it is made available.”

Michigan Suspends Southfield EMS

On Wednesday, Southfield Fire Chief Johnny Menifee pledged to find answers in the case.

The Southfield Fire Department responded to a 911 call about 7:35 a.m. Sunday for an unresponsive woman later identified as Timesha Beauchamp, authorities said.

Paramedics tried to revive the woman for about half an hour, they said.

After consulting with a Providence Hospital emergency room doctor who declared the woman dead, the Oakland County Medical Examiner’s Office signed off on releasing the woman’s body to the family. Funeral home workers preparing to embalm Beauchamp realized the woman was not dead.

Beauchamp’s family has hired attorney Geoffrey Fieger to investigate possible negligence by authorities at the scene.

Lawyer Geoffrey Fieger Hired To Represent Family

Michigan Suspends Southfield EMS

Michael Storms and Scott Rickard were the two paramedics suspended by Emergency Order Suspension.

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Categories: EMS


Southfield Medics On Leave

Michigan Funeral Home

Southfield medics are on leave and the Southfield fire chief is pledging to find answers after a 20-year-old woman was declared dead on Sunday, but then was found alive hours later at a Detroit funeral home.

At a Wednesday morning press conference at Southfield City Hall, Chief Johnny Menifee addressed Timesha Beauchamp and her family: “We know that they want answers. We’re trying to provide those answers, but it takes time; it’s going to take time for this investigation.” The family has retained lawyer Geoffrey Feiger.

There is public interest in the case and that’s important, too, he said, but getting answers for the family trumps that concern. He said the four medics involved in the call were put on leave Monday morning.

Southfield Medics Pronounce Woman Dead Who Isnt

“They feel terrible,” Menifee said. “They can’t imagine how this possibly could happen. They’re emotionally upset.”

On Tuesday, attorney Geoffrey Fieger, who is representing Beauchamp, 20, and her family said his firm will investigate any negligence on the part of authorities dispatched to her home.

“She needed to be taken to a hospital, not a funeral home,” the Southfield-based attorney said. The Southfield Fire Department responded to a 911 call at about 7:35 a.m. Sunday for an unresponsive woman, authorities said.

The woman suffered what was “apparently a seizure” during her normal morning routine, Fieger said. She was not breathing and her lips had lost color, he said.

Beauchamp has had cerebral palsy from birth and is on three breathing treatments a day, Fieger said.

Medics tried “life-saving efforts” on the woman for about half an hour, Southfield Fire Chief Johnny Menifee said. He declined Wednesday to detail what those were. But the woman showed “no signs of life.”

Fieger said a godmother of the woman, who works in the medical field, was at the house at the time and told authorities that Beauchamp was not dead. But they allegedly argued that the movements were involuntary, a reaction to the life-saving efforts just applied, the attorney added.

After the fire department consulted with an emergency room doctor at Providence Hospital, who declared the woman dead, the Oakland County Medical Examiner’s Office signed off on releasing the woman’s body to the family.

The woman was placed in a body bag at about 9 a.m., Fieger said. The James H. Cole Home for Funerals in Detroit on Schaefer took custody of the woman’s body just before 11:30 a.m.

On Wednesday, Menifee said that Fieger made a “grossly inaccurate” statement in saying Beauchamp was placed in a body bag by police or firefighters.

“That is absolutely untrue,” Menifee said. “It is not part of our standard operating procedures, nor do we carry that equipment.”

Funeral home workers preparing to embalm Beauchamp realized the woman was not dead. The workers were preparing to embalm Beauchamp.

“She was alive, her eyes were open, and she was breathing,” Fieger said.

The funeral home workers called 911, and Detroit Fire Department medics arrived. The woman was breathing. Her heart was beating at a rate of 80 beats per minute.

Beauchamp remains hospitalized in critical condition, said Brian Taylor, a spokesman for the Detroit Medical Center.

Menifee said he has not reached out to the family, and that he felt bad about it. He said he believes what the family wants from him is answers, not just conversation.

“I take full responsibility for not reaching out to them,” Menifee said. “I feel tremendously upset and mad at myself for not doing that upfront, but I know they want answers and I’m trying to get those answers for them.”

Southfield Medics

The four staffers involved are a lieutenant-paramedic with 18 years of experience, a paramedic with seven years’ experience, and two EMTs, with two years and six months of experience respectively per Southfield Fire staff.

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Categories: EMS


Hurricane Laura Extremely Dangerous

Satellite Photo Of Hurricane Laura

Hurricane Laura extremely dangerous according to the National Hurricane Center. At least 20 million people are in the storm’s path and over half a million people have been ordered to evacuate.

The hurricane, currently a Category 3, was “rapidly intensifying” over the Gulf of Mexico Wednesday, the hurricane center said. It warned of potentially catastrophic and life-threatening storm surge, extreme winds, and flash flooding Wednesday night along the northwest Gulf Coast.

Eye of Hurricane Laura

“Only a few hours remain to protect life and property,” it said late Wednesday morning.

Hurricane Laura

Laura was located about 225 miles south-southeast of Lake Charles, Louisiana, and 235 miles southeast of Galveston, Texas, according to the hurricane center. It was moving northwest at 16 mph and had maximum sustained winds near 125 mph.

Workers board up property prior to Hurricane Laura Landfall

“On the forecast track, Laura will approach the Upper Texas and southwest Louisiana coasts this evening and move inland within that area tonight. The center of Laura is forecast to move over northwestern Louisiana tomorrow, across Arkansas Thursday night, and over the mid-Mississippi Valley on Friday,” the hurricane center said.

Laura is expected to rapidly weaken after it makes landfall. Never Forget 9-11 Foundation is discussing a donor page to assist with recovery, but no decisions have been made yet.

Lawyer Geoffrey Fieger Hired

Lawyer Geoffrey Fieger was hired by the family of a woman declared dead by Southfield Fire Department staff. The family has retained superstar attorney Geoffrey Fieger to investigate possibly negligence on the part of authorities who arrived at the scene.

Lawyer Geoffrey Fieger Hired To Represent Family

Fieger, based in Southfield, held a digital press conference Tuesday to discuss the case. He said the woman, Timesha Beauchamp, 20, was in a body bag for at least two hours before being found alive by workers at the funeral home.

The Southfield Fire Department responded to a 911 call at about 7:35 a.m. Sunday. A 20-year-old woman was reported as being unresponsive, authorities said.

Fieger said the woman suffered what was “apparently a seizure” during her normal morning routine: wake up, eat, change clothes, and take a breathing treatment. She was not breathing, and her lips had lost color. Beauchamp has had cerebral palsy from birth, and is on three breathing treatments a day.

“That may be incidentally involved; we don’t know,” Fieger said.

It was after police and medics arrived that “the entire sad scenario gets very, very murky,” Fieger said.

Medics tried “life-saving efforts” on the woman for about half an hour, said Southfield Fire Chief Johnny Menifee said. But the woman showed “no signs of life.”

Fieger said a godmother of the woman, who works in the medical field, was at the house at the time, and told authorities that Beauchamp was not dead. But they allegedly argued that the movements were involuntary, a reaction to the life-saving efforts just applied, Fieger added.

After the fire department consulted with an emergency room doctor at Providence Hospital, who declared the woman dead, the Oakland County Medical Examiner signed off on releasing the woman’s body to the family. The woman was placed into a body bag at about 9 a.m., Fieger said. The James H. Cole Home for Funerals, in Detroit at 16100 Schaefer, took custody of the woman’s body just before 11:30 a.m., Fieger said.

But workers who opened the body bag realized the woman was not dead. The workers were preparing to embalm Beauchamp.

“She was alive, her eyes were open, and she was breathing,” Fieger said.

They called 911, and Detroit Fire Department medics arrived. The woman was breathing. Her heart was beating at a rate of 80 beats per minute.

Beauchamp remains hospitalized in critical condition, said Brian Taylor, a spokesman for the Detroit Medical Center.

Lawyer Geoffrey Fieger Background

Geoffrey Fieger is a veteran of the legal battlefield. His command of the law, both as a trial litigator and as a scholar, has made him one of the most sought-after attorneys in the nation. Though he has always practiced from his firm’s home in Southfield, Michigan, he is known all over the world for his charismatic trial presence and his refusal to back down from the battles that matter.


Categories: EMS
