Chief Jared Heon received a vote of no confidence from the department members of Ansonia Rescue and Medical Services. The no confidence vote caused the city to launch an outside investigation.
A seven-page letter was sent to Mayor David Cassetti and the Board of Aldermen and included the signatures of a supervisor and more than two dozen EMTs.
The letter claims ARMS members “have been disheartened by the actions and behavior of Chief Heon.”
“He has tested our willpower and confidence in his skill, ability and leadership to adequately lead this department,” the letter states.
The city has hired an outside lawyer to investigate allegations included in a letter against the current top-ranking member of its emergency medical services department.
The letter also states members of the department accused their chief of bullying those under him, double-dipping by working another job while on the schedule for Ansonia and spending department funds on high-end devices and leather chairs.
The letter comes as the department’s part time staff, supervisors and front line EMTs, are in contract negotiations with the City of Ansonia. The city is also considering regionalizing its EMS service per local reports.
Jared Heon
Jared Heon is chief of the Ansonia Rescue and Medical Services. Their mission is to provide quality emergency medical care and rescue service to those who live, work or visit the City of Ansonia and surrounding communities in time of illness, injury, crisis or disaster. Their website states that they employ highly trained members render services in a professional manner utilizing state-of-the-art equipment. Members actively participate in the community, serve as role models and strive to provide services deemed excellent by the citizens of Ansonia.
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