Brian Maiorana: Staten Island Man Charged With Threats Against FBI

Brian Maiorana

Brian Maiorana, a Staten Island man and sex offender, was arrested Tuesday after posting explosive social media posts that allegedly threatened to kill celebrants of Joe Biden’s presidential win, derided Sen. Chuck Schumer as “the Jew Senator from New York” — and called for the “extermination” of Democrats, federal prosecutors announced.

Maiorana has a history of violent social media posts, has been charged in Brooklyn federal court w/making online threats to “blow up” an FBI building and harm “the Jew Senator from New York”–an apparent reference to Chuck Schumer.

Brian Maiorana

Authorities found a Glock, a taser, a crossbow, an expandable baton and a skull mask in his home during the arrest. Also a book called “The Anti-Govt Movement Guidebook.”

Brian Maiorana

The 1978 book, “The Turner Diaries,” has been cited by white supremacists, including Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh. In the novel, a revolution in the United States “leads to the overthrow of the federal government, a nuclear war, and, ultimately, a race war which leads to the systematic extermination of non-whites,” the feds said.

When Biden was declared the winner of the presidential election Saturday, Maiorana ranted about the celebration, feds alleged.

“All right thinking people need to hit the streets while these scumbags are celebrating and start blowing them away,” he posted, according to the feds.

Maiorana was convicted in Pennsylvania in 2007 of statutory sexual assault and is registered as a level 1 sex offender in New York state, the feds said.

New York has been increasingly tense with a NYPD Deputy Inspector suspended and another officer suspended for campaigning while on duty.

BREAKING: NYPD’s Deputy Inspector James Kobel Relieved Of Command

James Kobel

Deputy Inspector James Kobel, assigned to the Equal Employment Opportunity Division, an New York Police Department (NYPD) officer is under investigation for allegedly making prejudice, sexist and intolerant comments in an online chat room.

James Kobel

He has been relieved of his command and placed on modified assignment pending the outcome of the internal investigation.

The NYPD first started investigating the claims after a report was provided to the department on October 14.

James Kobel Investigation

investigators say he made posts on an online chat board called the Rant “not infrequently using blatantly racist and misogynistic language.” According to the report, the official used the pseudonym “Clouseau,” after the Peter Sellers character in the “Pink Panther” movies, but was in fact James Kobel, the commander of the department’s EEO division.

Another officer has recently been suspended for using his patrol car to broadcast political messages.


Categories: NYPD


NYPD Cop Suspended For On Duty Politics

A NYPD cop suspended without pay for using his patrol car to broadcast political messages in favor of President Donald Trump this weekend.

The official Twitter account of NYPD stated Sunday “We are aware of this video and it is under investigation by our Brooklyn South Investigation Unit. Police officers must remain apolitical.”

The account went on to tweet: “Suspended without pay; The police officer who is under investigation for using a department vehicle’s loud speaker for political purposes has been suspended, effective immediately.”

NYPD Cop Suspended

Reason NYPD Cop Suspended?

The Patrol Guide for New York Police Department officers is explicit that on duty and in uniform officers may not express personal opinion on the merits of any political party or candidate for public office.

NYPD Cop Suspended

This may seem confusing given the use of city resources towards 9-11 remembrances with Vice President Pence earlier in the year. In the case above the officer is making a personal opinion known using his patrol vehicle as a campaign tool. In the case of Vice President Pence it is a city function assisting an elected official in a non campaign event.



Categories: NYPD


What’s Hart Island Hiding?

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[et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”]Hart Island Mass Burial of COVID19 Patients

Hart Island, sometimes referred to as Hart’s Island, is located at the western end of Long Island Sound, in the Bronx Bourough of New York City. It measures almost a mile and is used as New York City’s Potter Field gravesite.

The remains of more than one million people are buried on Hart Island. Since the start of the 21st century, there are fewer than 1,500 burials a year. Burials on Hart Island include individuals who were not claimed by their families or did not have private funerals; the homeless and the indigent; and mass burials of disease victims.

Access to the island is restricted by the Department of Correction, which operates an infrequent ferryboat service and imposes strict visitation quotas. Burials are conducted by inmates from the Rikers Island jail. The Hart Island Project, a public charity founded by visual artist Melinda Hunt, has tried to improve access to the island and make burial records more easily available. Prior to 2019, several laws to transfer jurisdiction to the Parks Department had been proposed to ease public access to Hart Island.

In the linked article Steinmetz says, “To me, I start wondering if the word is out: ‘Hey, keep people out of Hart Island, because it makes us look bad.’”

While Mayor Bill de Blasio’s administration claimed this is an issue of protecting privacy there are several holes in that story. First, the persons buried on Hart Island are unclaimed by family or friends. Second, there are no open caskets. The journalists are simply recording the numbers and size of trenches to correlate to COVID19 data which indicates a pandemic much worse than publicly stated.

On Wednesday plain clothes officers with New York Police Department seized a drone being flown by award winning photojournalist George Steinmetz. Steinmetz has spent four decades shooting news for National Geographic and The New York Times Magazine.

Hart Island Grave Trench

Hart Island History

The island’s first public use was as a military training ground in 1864. It has also been a Union Civil War prison camp, psychiatric institution, a tuberculosis sanatorium, and its current day use as a potter’s field[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column]

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